Olfactory NYC x Fashionably Full

Olfactory is a cool new concept to luxury fragrance. It is an interactive experience that touches all of the senses.  The experience is all about exploration, customization & creation. You will leave loving it and with a personalized luxury fragrance.  

When you walk in you are greeted by colors and base scents that will be used in the customization experience. Olfactory made it very clear what the scents smell like and the vibe you will get from smelling it! Top perfumers using natural and sustainable ingredients created the core scents. 

 After you decide on your base scent you go to the customization station! This was an integral part of the process and I found it interesting how the accords picked up on the different flavors in the base scents.  The accords enhanced certain parts of the core scent creating your own personalized scent. 

The last part after picking your favorite blend is adding a personalized name & label. 

Shop the Perfume I created - “Jac” A blend of The Lulu and Madagascar Vanilla

Olfactory is the perfect gift! I love how fun the experience was, and it is perfect activity to do with your BFF! The gift process is really cute and personal as instead of a gift card you get sent an empty bottle that you can bring in to fill & customize! The best part about the gift is that you get to choose & create your own luxury perfume.

Thank you so much Olfactory for this partnership & walking me through how to create the perfect blend!